AnySolve for Business

We help companies create and use AI-powered tools that seamlessly integrate into their operations, allowing them to reclaim valuable time and resources.

Our commitment goes beyond mere implementation. We work closely with you to define clear success metrics for each use case. From increased productivity to cost savings, we ensure that the impact of AI on your business is both measurable and meaningful. Our focus is on delivering tangible results that align with your goals.

At the culmination of each implementation, we don't just walk away. Instead, we conduct a thorough review, analyzing the achieved outcomes against the defined success metrics. Our compensation model is built on accountability and trust. We stand by our promise of success – you only pay when you see the positive impact of our AI solutions on your business.

Our Case Studies and Projects

Discover how AnySolve has partnered with businesses to revolutionize operations and drive success through the integration of AI.
Human Resources
Automatic CV against Job Postings and Requirements Matrix
We helped a known European company explore AI-driven Hiring & Job Application Automations.
Using LLM technology we created a Prototype that matches Applications against Job Postings and evaluates them based on an internaly defined Competence Matrix, enabling a massively faster pre-categorization of a large number of job applications.
Accounting, Administration
Streamlining Expense Reporting
We helped a mid-sized European firm implement an AI-driven expense reporting system.
This system included optical character recognition (OCR) technology to scan and digitize receipts.
Additionally, basic AI algorithms were used to categorize expenses based on keywords, dates, and amounts. The system then generated automated expense reports for employees and managers.
Support, Human Resources
Personal Assistant for Appointment Scheduling
We helped a small-sized European company automatize appointment scheduling of its employees. The tool gets the availability of them and communicates with clients via email to find suitable time slots, reducing the back-and-forth communication.
Legal, Operations
Optimizing Legal Document Review Processes
We helped a medium-sized law firm to automate the document review and summarization process, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
The tools also assisted in drafting routine legal documents like contracts, agreements, and notices based on predefined templates and inputs.

Your Journey with Us: From Idea to Impact

From initial engagement to final evaluation, we guide you every step of the way.

Engage and Define

Your journey starts by sharing your company details and specific areas where AI can enhance your operations. We'll carefully analyze your requirements to tailor our approach. Collaboratively, we'll pinpoint opportunities for automation that align with your goals.

Plan and Agree

We'll reach out, diving deeper into your needs. If AI is viable, we'll draft a statement of work. This outlines tools, success metrics, and testing protocols. Our agreement sets the foundation for a successful partnership.

Create and Communicate

The transformation begins. Our team designs and implements AI-powered solutions. Regular updates keep you informed, and we integrate tools for seamless access. As we execute, we measure results against metrics, ensuring we're on track.

Evaluate and Evolve

With a data-driven mindset, we assess the Proof of Concept's impact. Real numbers guide our evaluation. We uncover insights, celebrate achievements, and discuss next steps or enhancements, always striving for optimization.

Let's Start Your AI Journey

Your path to AI-driven success begins here. Fill out the form below with your company details and the areas you're eager to optimize through AI. Our team will carefully review your needs and possibilities and reach out to you in the upcoming days.

Company details

Could you give us more context i.e. which processes would you like to optimize, which departments are involved...
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This helps us determine the current legislation in relation to Artificial Intelligence

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