Summarize a Text

This task summarizes a text.



This task summarizes a text.


  • Article summarization
  • Text summarization

How to use the task

Please enter the text you want to summarize. After pressing Run Task the summarized Text is returned.


Please do not share sensitive information with this task.

First version
VersionAI ModelCreatedLink


The REST API allows you to call the tool with the same costs as when running the tool. Please generate an Personal access token before using the REST API.


  • text (Text): The text to summarize
  • Call the REST API by cURL
    curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"
  • Install the package with pip
    python3 -m pip install anysolve
  • Run in python3
    import os
    from anysolve import AnySolve
    anysolve_token = os.environ.get('ANYSOLVE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN') # Resolve your personal access token here
    client = AnySolve(anysolve_token)
    res ='u-anysolve-sh-summarize-a-text','1.0.0', {'text': 'Mountaineering, mountain climbing, or alpinism[2] is a set of outdoor activities that involves ascending mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing, and traversing via ferratas that have become sports in their own right.[3][4][5][6] Indoor climbing, sport climbing, and bouldering are also considered variants of mountaineering by some,[7][8] but are part of a wide group of mountain sports. '})
  • Coming soon: Within AnySolve ChatComplete prompts you can use the following command to execute the task:
    /run('u-anysolve-sh-summarize-a-text','1.0.0', text='Mountaineering, mountain climbing, or alpinism[2] is a set of outdoor activities that involves ascending mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing, and traversing via ferratas that have become sports in their own right.[3][4][5][6] Indoor climbing, sport climbing, and bouldering are also considered variants of mountaineering by some,[7][8] but are part of a wide group of mountain sports. ')